Give-Away Contest – Final Chance to Win

Alright, we know we have been hounding you with this contest this month. But we are doing it out of love because our readers are awesome! Also, we love our immersion blender and know how helpful it is so we want to give one away to someone who really deserves it.

If you want to get caught up to speed on this contest, read last Wednesday’s post which summarizes how you can enter the contest up until this point. But don’t worry there is still time to enter! You have until the end of next Tuesday to do all of the “tasks” from the previous post and the “tasks” for today.

Today’s entry challenge is actually quite easy, it’s a questionaire! We would love to hear more from our readers so we have 5 questions we would like you to answer. Each question you answer enters your name 1 more time into the drawing! So today you can earn up to 5 more chances to win the Cuisinart immersion blender!

Les Questions de Declan et Erica

  1. What is your favorite recipe on Cooking in College?
  2. What do you want to learn to make?
  3. Why do you want to win an immersion blender?
  4. What college do you go to, went to, or want to go to?
  5. What suggestions do you have to make Cooking in College more awesome?

Write your answers in the comments below. To get you started, here are our answers:


  1. This is a tough one…my favorite recipe is either the Mac n cheese or the cream of chicken soup. I like all of the hearty recipes!
  2. Homemade bread! I’ve made it once before but I know I could do better, I need some practice.
  3. To make soup…but I already have one so I guess this doesn’t apply.
  4. University of Pittsburgh!!! Hail to PITT!
  5. Put my face on every page. Just kidding, I think we should add the cost of every recipe we make to show how cheap it really is to make these meals.


  1. Hmm, the turkey enchiladas or fish tacos are probably my favorite.
  2. I want to make brownies from scratch! I love chocolate but I have never made homemade brownies.
  3. Already got one! 🙂 I use it all the time to make smoothies and milkshakes with way less clean-up than using a blender.
  4. Pitt!
  5. What Declan said. The cost calculator though, not his face. I see enough of that already.

Thanks and good luck!


6 thoughts on “Give-Away Contest – Final Chance to Win

  1. 1. My favorite recipe is the chicken pot pie because it is so easy and is a really filling meal!
    2. Homemade bread! I’ve never made anything that involves yeast, and I would love to learn.
    3. It would be awesome for soup!
    4. Hail to Pitt!!
    5. A dessert page!

  2. 1. I think my favorite recipe might also be the enchiladas (because they’re so easy to make!!) or the cauliflower mashed potatoes.
    2. ummm…I love soups and stews so anything in that realm. haha I’m not a cook so I don’t even know what I want to make!
    3. Because erica loves hers so much that I want one too! Also love milkshakes and smoothies!!
    4. H2P!!
    5. I like the calculator!! But I think this website is great!!

    YAY! love immersion blenders!

  3. 1) I think my favorite (and my husband’s) would have to be the homemade mashed potato recipe. It’s so good! I get begged to make them now.
    2) I would love to learn to make really good pulled pork sandwiches and any kind of barbecue. We love it.
    3) I’d love to win an immersion blender for kind of the same reasons you both have. I want to learn to make homemade soups (some of those canned ones just aren’t great…) I’d also like smoothies and milkshakes. My husband is always trying to make milkshakes but they come out too lumpy from the blender.
    4) Well, I kind of went to Frederick Community College for about a year. I’d really love to take more classes. If I had to choose a college I would love to go to, I think the University of Oregon is a great school. Plus, The location is gorgeous.
    5) I’d like the food calculator too, but I’d really like to see some fun food dishes. For example, for the holidays like Halloween you could do witch cookies or something. I think it would be cool.

    Thanks! 🙂

    • Thanks for answering! You are down for 5 more chances to win! We are glad you like the mashed potato recipe, it’s one of our favorites too. And smoothies are so easy to make with the immersion blender!

Tell us what you think!