Hosting a Mad Men Party

Today’s post is dedicated to our good friend and original “Mad-Men-Watchin’-Buddy” Karin šŸ™‚

Caption Contest! Write what you think Don is thinking in the comments below!

If you are like us and love AMC’s Mad Men then you already know that this Sunday night is the season finale. We could probably write an entire post on our thoughts about this season but alas we are a food blog. Now, if you are like us and love Mad Men enough to throw a Mad Men viewing party, this post is for you!

Back when we were getting our friends caught up with the first four seasons of Mad Men, we would usually have someone bring/make a specialty drink. However, now that we are stuck watching this season at 10pm on Sunday nights, we’re all a little tired by then so our viewing “parties” have been a little lack luster. But not this week!

Luckily for us we found this awesome guide provided by AMC which has everything you need to plan a Mad Men party. Luckily for you we picked out the good stuff!


If you want to serve authentic time-appropriate food, check out this menu to see some great options.

Of course, we already have some great options so try some of ours too!


We’ve posted a few cocktails, and they’re all easy and yummy! Now remember, you must be at least 21 to make/consume these!

Or if you want a true 60’s inspired drink menu, try out some of these:

And don’t forget to dress in your best Mad Men chic!

There you have it folks, everything you need to host your very own Mad Men party! Have fun on Sunday and let us know what you thought about the finale!Ā  Be safe and don’t over do it with the drinks!

But first, a quote from one of our favorite characters. Any thoughts?

“My generation, we drink because it’s good, because it feels better than unbuttoning your collar, because we deserve it. We drink, because it’s what men do.” — Roger Sterling


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