Avocado Chicken Salad

100 days people. 100 days left until yours truly are bound together for life in matrimony. Time is just flying by! We (aka Erica) still have so much to do before the big day. We (aka Erica) will get it done, don’t fret!

Today’s recipe of Avocado Chicken Salad comes from another blog we love, Becoming Betty. She doesn’t use any measurements and nor did we, however, we did add in some extra ingredients of our liking. Pretty much this recipe is almost like mixing in shredded chicken into our guacamole.

We made this for Declan’s cousin’s graduation party but didn’t make enough because it was gobbled up in 5 minutes! Anyway, this recipe is perfect to enjoy on a hot summer day.

Avocado Chicken Salad

Print this recipe!

Only tip we have, use cherry tomatoes instead of regular ones.
  • Servings – about 3 to 5
  • Prep time – 5 minutes
  • No cook time


  • 2 avocados
  • Small spoonful of mayonnaise
  • Cherry tomatoes, chopped
  • Green onions, chopped
  • Fresh cilantro, chopped
  • Lime juice to taste
  • Cumin to taste
  • Dried oregano to taste
  • Cayenne pepper, just a dash
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Cooked chicken, shredded


1. Scoop out all of the deliciousness found in an avocado into a large mixing bowl.

2. Add in the mayo and mash with a fork or potato smasher until creamy texture is achieved.

3. Add in the chopped cherry tomatoes, green onions, cilantro and flavor with the rest of the above ingredients except the shredded chicken to your desired taste.

4. Once tastiness has been achieved, mix in the shredded chicken, cover in plastic wrap and chill in the fridge for an hour.

5. Serve with some chips and enjoy!


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