And we’re back!

We got back Friday night from our almost 3-week long honeymoon! It was an AMAZING trip and we are so sad that it’s over and we have to start work (Declan) and school (Erica) today.  But! We can reminisce and show you all kinds of pictures from it! Sound fun? (Warning: Prepare for lots of pictures!)

We started off with a week in Dublin. Declan’s mom was born there and he has a bunch of cousins in Dublin so it was really fun to meet everyone.

Walking around Trinity College

Walking around Trinity College

Dessert at Avoca in Dublin

Dessert at Avoca in Dublin

Tour of the Guinness Storehouse

Tour of the Guinness Storehouse


Drinks at the Old Jameson Distillery – Hot Jameson Apple and Jameson Honeycomb

Dinner with some family!

Dinner with some family!

After Dublin, we flew to Paris to stay over Christmas. We had Christmas Eve dinner in the Eiffel Tower – so cool – and went to Christmas morning Mass at Notre Dame. Of course, we visited all the fun places like l’Arc de Triomphe, Champs-Élysées, and the Louvre.

Delicious yummies!

Delicious yummies!

Watching the Steelers game in Paris :)

Watching the Steelers game in Paris 🙂

Lunch at the Christmas market along Champs-Élysées

Lunch at the Christmas market along Champs-Élysées

The Eiffel Tower photo of course

The Eiffel Tower photo of course

At night

At night

Erica's main course on Christmas Eve

Erica’s main course on Christmas Eve

The view from our seats during Christmas Mass

The view from our seats during Christmas Mass

Notre Dame is so beautiful inside

Notre Dame is so beautiful inside

Cute square where we got Christmas dinner and gelato afterwards!

Cute square where we got Christmas dinner and gelato afterwards!

Pont Neuf - where Declan's grandma ate lunch everyday until she moved to America!

Pont Neuf – where Declan’s grandma ate lunch everyday until she moved to America!

After Paris, we flew back to Ireland and visited Galway on the west coast.  The town is a lot smaller than Dublin and really cute.  We took two day tours while we were there – to Connemara and to the Burren and Cliffs of Moher.  Our favorite day of the whole trip was our trip to Connemara because the countryside is just so beautiful, even at this time of year.

The Kings Head Pub - over 800 years old and the best fish and chip we had in Ireland

The Kings Head Pub – over 800 years old and home to the best fish and chip we had in Ireland

We visited quite a few old abbeys and friaries and each was so different and unique

We visited quite a few old abbeys and friaries and each was so different and unique

Old stonework in an abbey

Old stonework in an abbey

Such beautiful scenery!

Such beautiful scenery!

Connemara Pony

Connemara Pony

Mountains in Connemara

Kylemore Abbey

Kylemore Abbey

Another old Abbey

Another old Abbey

Poulnabrone Dolmen - ancient burial ground over 6000 years old

The Burren and Poulnabrone Dolmen – ancient burial ground over 6000 years old

The Cliffs of Moher - the highest winds we have ever experienced!

The Cliffs of Moher – the highest winds we have ever experienced!

Exploring Galway Bay

Exploring Galway Bay

Old boats

Old boats along Claddagh Quay

We headed back to Dublin for New Years Eve and celebrated at a local pub near the townhouse we were staying in.  It was a lot of fun and we met some cool people!

New Years Eve

New Years Eve

On New Years day, we took a train down the coast of Ireland to Wexford to visit Declan’s mom’s cousin Audrey and her husband Jack.  We were so excited to spend time with them, but we both suddenly came down with a stomach bug and were in bed all that day sick.  Declan recovered the next day and got to go exploring some with Audrey and Jack, but Erica still wasn’t feeling well and stayed back to rest (don’t worry she recovered before we had to go home).  Audrey and Jack were the best hosts ever and we cannot thank them enough!

Views from the train ride

Views from the train ride

Ship used to transport passengers to America during the famine

Ship used to transport passengers to America during the famine

Declan and Audrey

Declan and Audrey

The beaches were gorgeous

The beaches were gorgeous

After Wexford, we went back to Dublin to pack up and have dinner with another cousin who just happened to be named Declan as well, which was confusing because we have never had to deal with that before.  We packed up all the stuff we had accumulated and headed to the airport Friday morning to come back to Pittsburgh.

The trip was a once-in-a-lifetime experience and we enjoyed every second of it (other than when we were sick)!  We are so grateful for everyone who helped make it such a great success. 🙂

A recipe post is coming soon so be on the look out!!


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