Perfect Brownies

So now that we’re all moved into our new place, we’ve finally gotten settled enough to start decorating! So far we’ve painted the fireplace, bought a new couch (finally!), and started hanging pictures on the walls. Next step that we plan to do this weekend: paint the walls! We’re super excited because this is the first place we’ve been able to actually paint! When we’re all finished, we’ll be sure to share pictures because obviously everyone in the whole world is interested in our new house.

Now for this recipe, we discovered it when someone (coughDeclancough) forgot to buy brownie mix at the store when we were planning on making a quick dessert when having someone over for dinner. Someone else (coughEricacough) was quick on her feet and found a great recipe online with easy ingredients. We made these a second time and adjusted a few things and they are really the best brownies we’ve ever had. We’re making them for the third time in three weeks this weekend for Declan’s sister’s high school graduation party! They’re that good!

P.S. We made these for a 9×13 pan but you can easily halve the recipe and make it in a 9×9 or 8×8 pan, just watch the cooking time and check on them often! Tip: A half of 3/4 cocoa is a heaping 1/3 cup.

Perfect Brownies

Print this recipe!

Chocolate heaven in rectangle shapes
  • Servings – 12 large brownies
  • Prep time – 10 minutes
  • Bake time – 20 minutes


  • 1 cup melted butter (2 sticks; you could use vegetable oil here, but come on. Brownies are supposed to be unhealthy.)
  • 1 cup white sugar
  • 1 cup brown sugar
  • 2 teaspoons vanilla extract
  • 4 eggs
  • 1 cup flour
  • 3/4 cup cocoa (the better quality you use, the better these will be!)
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking powder (different than baking soda!!)
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1 cup chocolate chips or nuts (optional)


1. Preheat your oven to 350F. Grease your baking pan well to make sure the brownies don’t stick.

2. In a large bowl, mix the sugars, vanilla, and butter. Beat in your eggs and make sure everything is mixed evenly.

3. In a separate bowl, combine the flour, cocoa, baking powder, and salt.

Yum cocoa


4. Gradually stir the dry mixture into the egg mixture, stirring thoroughly after each addition. Stir in any extras after everything is combined.

5. Pour into your greased baking dish and bake for 20-25 minutes or until a toothpick comes out clean when inserted.


6. Cut into (large) brownies and enjoy warm with a cold glass of milk!

Brownies - Cooking in College


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