Eating Right During Finals Week

Oh it’s that time of year again. Not only are we in darkness 15 out of the 24 hours in a day…but finals are right around the corner. Now what could a cooking blog possibly blog about today that has to deal with finals? That’s right, properly eating during finals week!

Just a heads up we are not nutritionalists. However we do know a good bit about making healthy choices. The following are three great articles on how to eat right during finals. We have read over these and put together a nice little summary for you!

First and foremost, the most important tip to survive finals week is to EAT! That’s right, don’t get so caught up in studying that you actually forget to eat. Now that doesn’t mean you should just go around eating whatever you like…continue reading on what you should be eating.

Instead of eating your standard 3 full meals a day, try eating 5 to 6 smaller meals. Eating 3 large meals will actually make you more tired and sleepy as your body digests. But alas, it’s better to eat 3 big meals than nothing at all! Eating foods like fruit, berries, leafy green veggies, chocolate and nuts will help to improve your studying effectiveness.

Coffee is okay but not preferred. Try to only drink a maximum of 2 cups in a day during finals week. For every cup of coffee, drink an equal or greater amount of water to avoid dehydration. Avoid sugary drinks and energy drinks – they will most likely only make you jittery while trying to study. Instead, if you want a little kick try drinking 100% juice (with no corn syrup) or antioxidant-rich green tea.

Now, don’t just solely focus on what you are eating, but also when you are eating. It’s good to eat at regular intervals beginning with breakfast. Try to space out your 5-6 small meals with 3 to 4 hours in between.

So in the comments below, or on our Facebook page, or Google Plus page, tell us what you do to get through finals week? Do you have any other suggestions or tips?

Good luck!


College Chicken Salad

Still on our football food fix, we decided to share with you another one of our Sunday favorites – Chicken Salad. It is super easy to make and perfect to snack on while watching the game. We found this recipe online but adapted it to what we had on hand.

However, this shouldn’t just be enjoyed while watching football. You can make it as little or as often as you like. You can make it a meal or you can make it a snack. The important thing is, is that you make it.

The chicken is easy, just follow our recipe we posted earlier this summer and cut it into small cubes. Put these cubes in the fridge for an hour and they’ll be ready to go.

Chicken Salad

When your team is down and you’re heated up, look for this meal to cool you off…and cheer you up. Note: You can sub in and out ingredients depending on what you have. Try adding some cucumber and craisins next time!
  • Servings – 5 to 6
  • Prep time – 5 minutes
  • Cool time – 30 minutes


  • 2 cubed, cooked and cooled chicken breasts
  • 2 stalks of celery chopped
  • 1 red bell pepper diced
  • 1/2 cup mayonnaise
  • 1/2 cup sour cream
  • 1 tablespoon finely chopped fresh dill
  • 4 ounces crumbled feta cheese
  • Pita bread*



1. Pour everything into a mixing bowl and mix.

2. Season with a bit of salt and pepper, serve in a pita loaf, and enjoy!


Coffee Cart

We hope you have your fire extinguisher by now.  Seriously, we have two right by our oven.  If one catches on fire, we have the other to put it out.  That’s how serious we are about this.

If you don’t have one yet, go and buy one.  While you’re out, make sure to pick up a coffee maker.  Yes this is our first time and money-saving tip.  You don’t even have to buy one, see if your parents or friends have an extra one lying around that you can use.

“D&E, this doesn’t sound like a time or money-saving tip.”  Oh yeah, ask the frequent visitors of Starbucks, Dunkin Donuts, or Java the Hut (is that a real place? If not we call dibs on the naming rights).  Over the course of a semester they will have wasted enough money to buy a textbook.

Still don’t believe us?  Let’s do the math: Continue reading