Happy Christmas Everyone!

As you might already have guessed, we are taking a little holiday break this week and next. We are both in different states (PA and MD) celebrating Christmas with our families. This is actually our last Christmas apart, next year will be our first as a married couple!

Anyway, we wanted to take this time to wish everyone a Happy Christmas or whatever holiday you celebrate this time of year! Please be safe, enjoy this time with your families, and rejuvenate your brain power for the up coming semester.


Help a Family This Thanksgiving

This is our favorite time of the year – Thanksgiving. The leaves have all changed colors, the air is crisp, and the thought of a meal cooked for us makes us so excited! Unfortunately, this post does not have a turkey recipe. But we can assure you we will next year (it’ll be our first Thanksgiving together as a married couple!).

If you want to help out your folks this week with any food prep, lend a hand. Show them how much you’ve learned. Or better yet, offer to make the mashed potatoes, corn cake, or veggie side.

But also, and more importantly, try to help out another family this time of year. If you can’t get out to volunteer to serve some meals, try donating food to your local food bank.

If you don’t have any extra food to donate, we have set up a virtual food drive on the Feeding America website to help raise funds to feed American families. Every dollar donated equals 8 meals served by the Feeding America network. Our goal is to raise $250 or 2,000 meals this Thanksgiving season! That means a $5 donation is equivalent to 40 meals!!

You can visit our donation page at:


Just click on the “Give Now” button on the side and donate as much or as little as you’d like! This would mean so much to us if you could help us reach our goal!

Have a Safe and Happy Thanksgiving!

-Declan and Erica

Declan and Erica are Engaged! Oh, and an Asian Veggie Salad.

Last Friday night (11/11/11) Declan made a wish at 11:11. He wished that Erica would say “Yes” to the next question he was going to ask…

His wish came true!

We are so happy to announce that we are engaged to be married! We celebrated by going to Chicago and visiting Erica’s sister (and future Maid of Honor) Tara. Here are some pics:

Since we are going to be so busy now planning a wedding, she was nice enough to help us out with the blog. She showed us a couple new recipes during our stay, luckily we brought our camera to take pics of the new recipes.

The first one is a simple salad recipe that is very refreshing and a nice change to the plain ordinary green stuff you eat.

Asian Veggie Salad

You can use whatever type of veggies you like, have on hand, or are on sale! The vegetables listed here are just guidelines!
  • Servings – 6
  • Prep time – 15 minutes
  • Cook time – none!



  • 3 cucumbers, peeled
  • 1 red pepper
  • 2 green peppers
  • 1 yellow pepper
  • 1/2 red onion
  • 4-5 stalks of celery
  • 1 large or 2 medium carrots, peeled
  • 1/2 cup fresh cilantro, chopped
  • Other veggies you see in the picture
  • 2 large or 3 medium garlic cloves, minced
  • 2 tablespoons minced ginger root (be careful and use a peeler to remove all the skin before mincing)
  • 3 tablespoons soy sauce
  • 5 tablespoons creamy peanut butter
  • 6 tablespoons rice wine vinegar (if you don’t have this, use apple cider vinegar!)
  • 6 tablespoons vegetable oil
  • 3 tablespoons brown sugar


1. Chop veggies into similar size cubes. We made ours pretty small, but you can do whatever you like! With the cucumbers, peel and cut length-wise, and then spoon out all the seeds before chopping. Combine everything into a large bowl.

2. To mince the ginger, use a standing metal grater (like you’d use for a block of cheese) or you could mince very finely with a knife. Add all the dressing ingredients together in a separate bowl.

3. Get a bowl of veggies, add some dressing, and enjoy! Don’t add all the dressing to the salad, though. Store them separately and only add the dressing right before eating.


Fall Break

We are off to visit Chicago for the next couple of days so there won’t be any new posts until mid next week.

Aww now don’t be sad! We just wanted to let you know in case you got worried. Go practice your cooking and we’ll promise you some more recipes next week.


Declan and Erica Finally Meet Alton Brown!

We FINALLY did it. We met Alton Brown! If you don’t know who he is shame on you, but if you do, you are aware that he was the genius behind our favorite cooking show Good Eats on the Food Network. If you read our About D&E page you’ll discover that AB was a huge influence for us before we even learned to cook. While we still lived in dorms with no access to a real life functioning kitchen, we would stay up until 11pm every night to watch Good Eats dreaming for the day we could finally start cooking!

Our first cookbook was given to us by Declan’s Mom for our birthdays (Declan’s is April 10th, Erica’s is April 11th, yes we were born only 15 hours apart) and it was, of course, Alton’s Good Eats: The Early Years. So, Wednesday evening we drove to Sewickley to finally see our hero during his book signing for his third installment of the Good Eats cook book trilogy. We brought along our first book in the hopes he would sign that too.

When we arrived, we noticed a sign out front that said the event was sold out. We asked a man standing in line if we needed tickets to get in; he said yes and that they were sold out a week ago. Heart broken and watching all the lucky people filing inside, we were compelled to leave. We decided to ask one of the people working the event if there was a waiting list for people without tickets. Luckily for us there was.

While we waited, the opening drew near and we despairingly tried to tweet Alton to see if he could help two poor college students out. No luck, the event began and they closed the doors to the auditorium. We could hear muffled clapping on the other side and a familiar voice we had grown to love.

But alas! There were two tickets left and the people in front of us on the list had left! We were in! We ran to our seats…in the balcony…in the very last row. We didn’t have time to celebrate our luck, we were there to get some answers!

Alton began his Q&A session and we knew we had to ask him one. We snuck to the front of the balcony where someone had a mic. Finally, Alton looked up and pointed at us.

Erica spoke up and introduced ourselves as two college students from Pitt with a cooking blog for other college kids. He thought she said “cookie” blog. She asked him if he had any tips for college students trying to cook for themselves off of a budget. He mentioned that he just gave a talk in Penn State, in which Erica interrupted with a “Go Pitt!” The audience really loved that, but Alton didn’t understand – “Hey, they paid me,” he replied. He said that every college university should issue to their students a crock pot because students have time but not money. Crock pots are a perfect way to have a cheap, healthy and delicious meal without a lot of work (but that’s another post).

He answered questions for another hour. Then it was time for him to sign books. We waited for 2 hours in line for him to sign our book. When it was finally our turn, he greeted us with a simple handshake and “Alton.” We introduced ourselves as the college students with the blog and thanked him for answering our question. He signed our book and made it out to cooking-in-college.com. We took a picture with him, gave him a card with our URL and asked him to take a look if he ever had any free time on the internet. He laughed and said, “Free time on the internet? Psh.”

The night was over, we had finally met our idol. We really hope Alton takes a look at our blog and hopefully this post. So if he ever does… Alton, we really want to let you know that without your inspiration and your guidance, we wouldn’t have started this blog and probably would not even had found our life passion: cooking.  Thank you for such an amazing night and all that you have done for us. Thank you Alton!


Corn Cake

So we found out this week that we made the list. What list you ask? This list – 30 Best Blogs for Cooking for One (in College) by Accredited Online Colleges. We are pretty thrilled but even more excited to find other bloggers with the same focus as us, namely cooking in college. We took some time, read through the list and came up with some of our favorites that you should definitely check out as well:

Okay, moving on (yeah let’s see if these PhD’s can keep up), today’s recipe, corn cake, is actually Erica’s Mom’s. If cornbread had a sexier twin, this would be it. Corn cake is…well it’s…hmm, it’s hard to describe in words so we guess you are just going to have to make it yourself to find out!

Corn Cake

Our roommate Mike says,”It was moist, creamy, corny, hearty, and delicious. Simple ol’ American classic.”
  • Servings – 8 side dish portions
  • Prep time – 5 minutes
  • Bake time – 50 to 60 minutes


  • 1 box Jiffy cornbread mix
  • 1 can sweet corn (drained)
  • 1 can cream corn
  • 1/3 cup sugar
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 8 oz. container sour cream
  • 2 cups shredded cheese (Mexican or cheddar or anything you like)


1. In a large mixing bowl mix everything together except for 1 cup of the cheese.

2. Preheat your oven to 350ºF and spray a casserole dish with a non-stick spray.

3. Pour the batter in the casserole dish and top off with the other cup of cheese and bake for 50 to 60 minutes or until a toothpick inserted in the middle comes out clean.

4. Serve warm as a side dish, or as a snack, or just eat it all – but as always enjoy!


Welcome Back Students! (and welcome new ones)

Here at Pitt, students are moving back into their dorms and apartments in droves! We’re sure it’s happening around the country as students return from their summer vacations back to that expensive thing called “college.” We can just hear our old freshman engineering professor Budny as the new freshies walk into his classroom for the first time, “Let’s play college!”

If you’ve been reading and following our blog all summer long, thank you. If you are new and moving into your first apartment, welcome! We have been working all summer long posting some of our favorite recipes we are confident you can make, even if you are new to cooking. Cooking in College is here for you.

To get started we suggest taking a look at our Stuff You Need tab up top. Here you will find the basics for your pantry, spices, and cooking gear. When setting up your kitchen these are the things you’ll want to start with first.

Next, you might want to scroll through our Resources tab where you can find helpful videos, books, and other websites/blogs that are perfect for beginner cooks.

If you were to scroll up and click on the Recipes tab, you will notice that we have written extensively on dinner meals. This is when you’ll be cooking the most. We have written about breakfast and lunch that should give you helpful tips on these important meals.

We suggest trying out the following recipes first because they are our easiest and most straight forward:

Kielbasa and Potatoes

  • With two ingredients and some butter and seasoned salt you can have this delicious and easy meal ready in 45 minutes.

Peppered Pork Pitas

  • Impress your friends with this “fancy” yet simple meal.

Weeknight Chicken

  • Easiest chicken recipe on the inter-webs.

We hope this summary will help all you new readers up to speed and hopefully refresh our frequent ones. If you have any questions please visit our Contact Us page or shoot us an email at mail@cooking-in-college.com. Also, we’ve finally decided to start a Facebook page to better interact with or readers. Please stop by and give us a like! Best of luck to all of you on the new school year!
