1 Year Blogiversary!!!

Dearest Readers,

One year ago this Sunday, we embarked on an epic journey. That’s right, Sunday is our 1 year anniversary of Cooking in College (back then it was called Declan and Erica Cook)! We can’t believe a whole year has gone by, and what a year it has been. We’ve won an award, been mentioned in a “Top something” list, and wrote an article for a magazine! But most importantly, we’ve had the opportunity to meet you!

Looking back, our first post was pretty uneventful, but nevertheless, it is our first post that started it all. We can still remember the excitement of publishing it and anticipating all that our blog would become. Here is the text from our first post one year ago:

“If you are a starving college student who can’t cook to save your life, you have come to the right place!

“However, we are still working on putting this blog together.  Please check back in a few days for our first recipe!

“…Huh?  You’re starving and don’t have a few days to wait?

“Okay, just find whatever food you have in your apartment, scrape off any mold, and eat it.  Just kidding!  You can hang in there; this blog is going to save your life – and your cooking skills.”

Okay so maybe this blog hasn’t saved your life (if it has, please let us know!). We realize that becoming an awesome cook doesn’t happen by just reading a blog, it happens because of practice and persistence. It happens because you make it happen.

Even if you haven’t learned one thing from reading Cooking in College we do hope that our passion for cooking has at least inspired you to get into the kitchen. And if we’ve inspired just one person to get into the kitchen becasue they read this blog, then gosh darn it, this past year has been totally worth it.

Much love,

Declan and Erica