Cooking in College’s 100th Post!!!

Dearest Readers,

Wow. We finally made it, 100 posts of Cooking in College. To be honest we had no idea what we were supposed to do for our 100th post, we’ve never blogged before and didn’t know if this time called for a special celebration. Search Google images for “100th blog post” and you’ll see that we we’re under a lot of pressure to do something special. So here is our something special:

Now you know what we sound like in real life! And yes we are always this awkward:

This has been an awesome journey so far: we’ve grown as cooks, we’ve met really great people (online and in person), and we’ve had so much fun writing for you every week.

It’s fun to look back at our old posts and see how far we’ve come. Here are a some that are really special to us:

But most of all we look forward to the future filled with great food, awesome blog friends, and many more pictures of Rory and Cici! We wouldn’t be writing this blog if we didn’t believe each and every one of you can learn to cook.

Take care and again thank you!

Declan and Erica