Spring Break!

Whew, it is finally spring break for us students at Pitt! This semester is flying by and has been CRAZY hectic for us both. February was nothing but midterms (5 for Declan, 4 for Erica), wedding planning, and trying to keep up with butt-loads of homework. That’s why we weren’t able to post as many recipes as we had wanted to. But don’t worry, even though we’re on spring break we will still be posting more delicious recipes!

So now it is March! Oh and by the way, today’s post is just us rambling with a mini recipe. We have a lot of exciting things going on both in our regular lives and in our super blogger lives as well. The wedding is now less than 7 months away and we have finally sent off our save the dates!

We are approaching our 100th post (this is #90) on Cooking in College and are planning on doing something really special for all of our readers! Trust us… it’s going to be good.

Let’s see what else can we ramble about… Oh yes the contest! We’re so pleased with all those who entered our give-away contest during the month of February. We had so much fun with it and will DEFINITELY be doing another contest this year!

So really that is about it. Just kidding, we’ll post a recipe for you! And since it is spring break, why don’t we share with you one of our favorite drinks to make! For readers under the age of 21, divert your eyes now! Go away! Okay, you can look but you can’t make this yet.

Blue Moon Cocktail

Yes this is a cocktail made with beer and yes it is delicious!


  • 1 bottle of Blue Moon
  • 1 shot of Chambord (this is a good investment – it’s a delicious raspberry liquor)
  • Small handful of frozen or fresh berries


1. In a tall glass, pour your beer, add the Chambord and berries and mix gently.

2. Relax and enjoy!


P.S. – Who has good spring break plans?