Erica’s Bridal Shower!

We haven’t had a non-recipe post for awhile now, and since it is the summer we think we are due for one.

We were back down in Maryland again this past weekend for more wedding stuff, but fun wedding stuff, as in Erica’s bridal shower! Erica’s sister Tara (the maid of honor) did such a fantastic job throwing the party which was hosted by her cousin Caitlin. She had all of the invitees fill out a blank recipe card to bring to the shower, so now we have a lot of new recipes to try! Including Declan’s mom’s recipe for her homemade peach cobbler, which we will never share! Sorry, we never expected her to give it away in the first place.

Tara did an awesome job with selecting the food. She had us pick 5 of our favorite ethnic dishes. Here are a few pics of the food.

Mmm Tiramisu

Foods from all over the world!

Can anyone guess this favorite dish of Erica’s?

Good times were had by all…

Kelly, Jessy, and Gabbi filling out their MadLib

The bridesmaids (sans Karin) with their toilet paper veils

And guess what we finally have now thanks to Declan’s mom…

Wait for it…

A KITCHEN AID MIXER!!! (Thank you Andrea for these oh-so-flattering pictures!)

Overall the trip was a success! At least this upcoming weekend we can take a break from our wedding planning and attend Erica’s cousin’s wedding. Don’t worry guys, in less than three months you’ll finally be able to read our blog without us yapping away about wedding stuff. We promise!
