Eggs in a Cup

Eggs are so versatile to the average college student. They are quick and easy to make and are very nutritious. We were craving eggs early Saturday morning last weekend and decided to make eggs, but how?

Declan can make a mean scrambled egg but we’ve had that many times before. Over easy eggs are our favorite but we didn’t feel like it at the time. We Googled some other egg recipes and found the easiest one – eggs in a cup.

We forgot that we received ramekins as a wedding gift and thought we could break them out again. The prep work was a cinch and in 20 minutes time we had a delicious brunch! If you don’t have ramekins, try using some oven-safe mugs!

Eggs in a Cup

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Do you have eggs and cups available? Okay good, you are all set.
  • Servings – 3
  • Prep time – 2 minutes
  • Cook time – 12 to 20 minutes


  • 3 to 6 eggs
  • Favorite filler (cheese, onions, tomatoes, etc.)


1. Take out your ramekins or small mugs and grease with olive oil or butter.

2. Lay a clean washcloth or dishtowel on the bottom of an oven safe pan. Place the ramekins in the pan (this will help keep them from sliding around).

Don't worry the cloth won't burn

3. Add to the cup your favorite “filler.” We used diced tomatoes and Parmesan cheese – yum! Feel free to experiment here – other veggies, sausage, anything would be good!.

Mmm tomatoes and cheese

4. Crack 1 or 2 eggs into each cup depending on the size of the cup. We cracked 2 since our ramekins are a bit bigger. Sprinkle with salt and pepper.

So close!

5. Pour boiling water into the pan until half of the cup is submerged in water. This helps to keep the cooking temperature consistent.

6.  Bake your eggs at 375F (in a preheated oven please!) from 12 to 20 minutes until the eggs are white. Cooking time will vary depending on the size of the cup and the number of eggs in it.

7. Remove from the pan carefully with a spatula, serve, and enjoy!

Cooking in College - Eggs in a Cup


P.S. – Today is Declan’s sister Caitrin’s birthday! Happy 18th birthday Caitrin! We love you!