Easy Boeuf Bourguignon (say what???)

Before you run away because of the scary title of this post, here us out. Just because this meal has a fancy French name for it doesn’t mean that it is complicated to make.

Difficult pronunciation≠Difficult recipe

We first stumbled upon this recipe on our favorite blogger’s site Chez Sasha (link to original recipe here). She made Boeuf Bourguignon to celebrate her 3 year anniversary of blogging, we made it because we were bored. At first we were a little intimidated but digging deeper we noticed that the hardest part of this recipe if waiting for it to cook.

So before proceeding there are a couple things to point out. Sasha recommends that you use a full-bodied red wine, “like Burgundy, Pinot Noir, or my favorite, Malbec.” We had neither of these so we used what we had leftover from our St. Patrick’s day celebration:

Lake Country...The anytime table wine.

Lake Country…The anytime table wine.

Sasha is probably shaking her head by now. But this recipe turned out really well! If you have some old red wine laying around give this recipe a try, no need to go out and buy fancy expensive wine (although we trust Sasha that this recipe tastes better with it).

Also, traditionally this recipe is made with bacon and mushrooms. Sasha left these out and so did we. Finally, this stew is typically served with mashed potatoes or noodles. Sasha served her’s over potatoes and so did we.

So if you want to impress your friends or family, invite them over for this meal!

Boeuf Bourguignon

Print this recipe!

It’s French for Beef Bourguignon. The more you know.
  • Servings – 4 to 6
  • Prep time – 10 minutes
  • Cook time – 2 hours


  • 1 to 1 1/2 pounds of beef tips, cubed
  • 2 large carrots, sliced diagonally
  • 1 large onion, sliced
  • 3 cloves of garlic, minced
  • 2 tablespoons flour
  • 1 tablespoon tomato paste
  • 1 teaspoon dried thyme
  • 1 cup red wine
  • 14 ounces beef stock


1. Season the beef with salt and pepper. Pre heat your oven to 325F.

2. In a Dutch oven over high heat, sear the beef tips in about 3 tablespoons of olive oil. It should take about 2 to 3 minutes a side. Sasha suggests performing this step in 2 batches as to not crowd the pan.

Searing beef

3. Set the beef aside and turn down the heat to medium. Add in the carrots and onions and saute for 6 minutes. Add in the garlic and cook for another minute.

So simple, yet so yummy!

4. Add back the beef to the pot and stir in the flour. Cook for another minute.

5. Add in the tomato paste, thyme, red wine, and beef stock, stir to combine. Cover with the lid and bring to a boil.

Hardest part...waiting

6. Transfer to the oven and cook for 2 hours. During this time you can make your mashed potatoes or noodles.

7. Serve and enjoy!

Cooking in College - Boeuf Bourguignon
