Hot Whiskey

When we were in Ireland, Erica came down with a cold and wasn’t feeling too great. One night, we were staying at Declan’s great aunt and uncle’s house and they made Erica a delicious drink that was supposed to help clear her cough and make her sleep through the night. Well… it worked! Erica slept like a baby.

Since being back in the States, we’ve made this drink a few times and it’s a great night cap on a cold night! So what is this magical concoction you ask???

Hot Whiskey

Print this recipe!

Just in time for flu season!
  • Servings – 1 drink
  • Cook/Prep time – 5 minutes


  • 1 cup hot water (preferably heated in a tea kettle, but a microwave works too!)
  • 1 shot (1.5 oz) whiskey (preferably Irish whiskey, like Jameson or Bushmills)
  • 2 teaspoons sugar (Note: Erica’s sister often uses honey instead when her throat is sore!)
  • 2-3 lemon slices
  • About 8 whole cloves (number is up to you!)


1. Add your shot to a nice mug and fill up the rest with the hot water. Stir in the other ingredients.

2. Snuggle up and enjoy!

Hot Whiskey - Cooking in College
