Slow Cooker Ribs

To get you prepared for Memorial day we are posting some classic American meals this week! First up: ribs.

You might say to yourself, “Okay D&E were still in college, how the heck can we afford to buy ribs let alone wait around 8 hours for it to cook?!” Granted this is what Erica thought after Declan came home from grocery shopping all by himself with a large rack of ribs. Nevertheless, Declan insisted that he had a plan (he didn’t at the time but would later Google “what to do with ribs?”)

Enough with the anecdote, we found an insanely easy slow cooker recipe for ribs. As you can see in the recipe below we kept it really simple – just a few spices for the dry rub and then our favorite BBQ sauce. Feel free to doctor it up. And if you have any great tips please share them!

Oh and did we mention these ribs cost $10? That’s half of what you would pay at a restaurant!

Slow Cooker Ribs

Print this recipe!

Honestly, it’s like magic: Put stuff in slow cooker, wait, eat delicious ribs.
  • Servings – 3 to 4
  • Prep time – 10 minutes
  • Cook time – 8 hours


  • 3 pound rack of ribs
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • Cayenne pepper
  • Garlic powder
  • 12 ounces of your favorite BBQ sauce


1. Cut your rack of ribs in half so that they will easily fit into your slow cooker.

2. Season with salt, pepper, cayenne, and garlic powder (we didn’t measure, instead we just eyeballed it).

Not too much seasoniong

3. Place the ribs in the slow cooker (we placed ours one on top of the other)  and douse with the BBQ sauce.


4. Set the slow cooker to low and cook for 8 hours.

5. Serve with some mac and cheese and enjoy!

Cooking in College - Slow Cooker Ribs
