Best Cinnamon Toast Ever


So not to simply post everything that’s popular on Pinterest, but this recipe deserves the attention – Pioneer Woman’s Cinnamon Toast. We never knew we were making cinnamon toast the wrong way our whole lives!!! Pioneer Woman is truly an American hero for opening up our eyes to the real way to make this – so thank you!

Don't eat cake at 10:30 at night

Obviously this is supposed to be a breakfast recipe, but we decided to try it out late Monday night. We normally read together every night before bed (you probably either find this cute or weird) and our latest read has been the entire Chronicles of Narnia series. We’re about halfway through – on Book 4: Prince Caspian. Erica grew up on the books so it’s fun to read them together now, 15 years later! Anyway, we wanted a snack and figured what’s better than delicious cinnamon toast late at night? Nothing, except maybe some of Declan’s mom’s cake.

You probably have all of the these ingredients already – so do yourself a favor and make this right now. For whatever meal you happen to be needing: breakfast, lunch, dinner, or snack!


Best Cinnamon Toast Ever

Print this recipe!

Old dogs can learn new tricks – if the trick is how to make a better cinnamon toast!
  • Servings – As many as you want
  • Prep time – 5 minutes
  • Cook time – 12 minutes


  • Butter, softened
  • Sugar
  • Cinnamon
  • Vanilla extract
  • Bread


1. Preheat your oven (or toaster oven!) to 350F.

2. If you need to soften your butter, microwave it for 10-15 seconds but make sure it’s not melty. We used about 1/2 stick (4 tbls) for 5 pieces of bread.

3. Add your cinnamon, sugar, and vanilla (start out with only a few drops) to taste. Use a fork to mash everything together until consistent.

Butter and sugar - what more would we ever want in life?

4. Spread the butter mixture onto the pieces of bread and go out all the way to the edges so the bread won’t burn. Place the slices on a foil-lined baking sheet for easy clean-up (particularly useful late when midnight snacking).

5. Bake in the 350F oven for 10 minutes.

6. Switch the oven to broil after the 10 minutes and place the toast under the broiler for 1-2 minutes.  The toast will go very fast, so don’t leave the oven now!

7. Once the top is nice and brown and bubbly, remove from oven. Slice and enjoy!

Best Cinnamon Toast Ever - Cooking in College
