Gnocchi in a Browned Butter Sage Sauce

Need dinner in fifteen minutes? Need to impress someone? Just want something different than the pasta and marinara you make all the time? This recipe is awesomely yummy and can be finished in no time at all! Browned butter is nutty and complements the gnocchi well.

We love sage, but any dried herb would do well here – whatever you have on hand. If you don’t have dried sage but aren’t sure if it’s worth buying, it is delicious on any kind of chicken or pork! If you’re like us and love gnocchi too, try our other recipe – Sweet Creamy Gnocchi.

Gnocchi in a Browned Butter Sage Sauce

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How can something this tasty take 15 minutes to make?
  • Servings – 2 large
  • Prep time – None
  • Cook time – 15 minutes


  • 1 lb gnocchi (tri-colored look extra pretty!)
  • 6 tablespoons butter (3/4 stick)
  • 1 teaspoon dried sage
  • Sprinkle of salt and pepper


1. Place a large pot of water over high heat to boil.

2. Melt the butter (it goes faster if it’s sliced) over medium heat.  Keep stirring the butter over the heat as it goes through three stages – melted and kind of foamy, no more foam, and finally turning golden brown in color. It’s important that you keep an eye on it so it doesn’t overcook! It goes from brown to black quickly.

Browning Butter...

Browning Butter #2

Browned Butter!

3. As soon as you see the golden brown color, remove from heat and pour into a bowl to stop the cooking process. Stir in your teaspoon of sage.

Browned Butter and Sage Sauce

4. By now the the water should be boiling, so add your gnocchi to the pot. Cook according to the instructions on the packaging; most gnocchi take 2-3 minutes to cook.

5. Drain the gnocchi and return to the pot.  Add your butter and sage sauce and taste.  Add any salt and pepper (if you used salted butter you most likely won’t need any additional salt).

6. Serve and enjoy!

Browned Butter Gnocchi - Cooking in College
